ARG Double Head Heating Massager (ARG 734H) can warm up your body to prevent the body from being hurt caused by movement if it is used before sport. It promotes the blood circulation. It relieves the muscle tension and alleviate the pressure. The hammering massage will provide different musculatures with in-depth massage so as to relieve the tension, exercise muscles and eliminate pressure to get relaxed, it is helpful to pains alleviation and detumescence, and enhances the flexibility of the tender musculature, It is helpful to relieve the strained muscle. It can help muscle to relieve the tension and eliminate the fatigue if used after sport.
ARG Double Head Heating Massager (ARG 734H) with 2 attachments can penetrate deep into the tissue to accelerate blood circulation, eliminate pain. Powerful high-frequency vibration stimulation massage on your back, legs, and arms, to softer options for more delicate tissue. 2 different massage heads: stimulate acupuncture points on the body, palm, sole, thighs. Relieves leg pain, back pain, knee pain, relax tired muscles.
- Dual pivoting heads work tired muscles with up to 3000 pulses per minute.
- The 3 interchangeable silicon rubber massage heads are designed to maximize comfort and penetration.
- The two-speed mode selector allows deep muscle penetration for dense muscle groups.
- With speed adjusting function.
- Streamlined design, light and easy.
- Dolphin style can massage every part of our body.
The powerful vibration massager is good for your daily muscle relief at home or at the gym. Easy and effective with one-handed operation. The special handy design transfers the weight to the hammer, and therefore, what you have to do is just to grasp the handle to make the hammer run with its own weight only to achieve ideal effects without your exerting pressure on it at all. The double-speed massage of strong and weak gear will meet different Demands, With the human engineering design, the streamline handle will make massage of any body parts easy.
- MODEL : ARG 734
- COLOUR : White
- VOLTAGE : AC 220V-240V / 50Hz-60Hz
- IN THE BOX: 1pc Dual Dolphin Massager, 3 Attachments and Instruction Manual.
- Unpack the ARG Dual Dolphin Massager.
- Connect the massager plug into the electric socket.
- Change the attachment according to your need, to massage different parts of the body.
- The massager is “OFF” when the switch on the massager is on “0”. The massager speed is low when the switch is at “1” and the speed increases when switch is at “2”.
- To turn of the massager bring the switch again at “0”
- Relaxes muscles from tiredness.
- Eliminates spasm in the shoulder and Lower Back.
- Stimulates nerve ends by reflexology therapy.
- Promotes blood circulation and body metabolism.
- Applicable for physiotherapy of all the parts of the body.
- Relaxes the muscles and eliminates pain caused by rigorous sporting activity.